Pay attention at the back
Cherry blossom
Day Lily B&W
Black cow Portrait.
Gannet portrait with nictitating eyelid visible
Day Lily
Red Deer Stag, Highlands of Scotland
Dinner plate Dahlia
Red Deer Stag, Highlands of Scotland B&W
Dinner plate Dahlia B&W
Twins lazing in the sun
Bottle nose having fun. West coast of Scotland
Sunburn scarred Dolphin. Moray Firth.
Brown Hare On alert
Striking eyes in this Gannet portrait
Common seals waiting for high tide. Loch Roe
White tailed Sea Eagle off the West Coast of Scotland
Gannet pair strengthening their bond
Gannet gathering nest material
Feeling glum
Seems a happy chap
A wary eye from this Yorkshire Dales Mum
Chewing the cud
On the hunt for a stray ice cream
Robin Red Breast
Quite a stool for a toad
Puff that chest out
Red Grouse hiding amongst the heather
Common Lizard
Roe Deer Buck, Lancashire
Loch Roe Seal